Monday, December 10, 2007


  1. Alphabetic Principle--The sound symbol relationship found in alphabetic languages such as English.
  2. Balanced Reading Instruction--Combines aspects of the phonics and whole language approaches to teaching reading.
  3. Basal Reading Series--Also known just as basals, basal reading series are graded series of textbooks used to teach reading in elementary schools.
  4. Phonics--The sound/symbol relationship between the spelling of words and the way they are spoken.
  5. Phonics Emphasis--The approach to teaching reading that emphasizes the sound symbol relationship in alphabetic writing systems such as English.
  6. Phonemic Awareness--Knowing that spoken words are made up of sequences of individual sounds and the ability to manipulate those sounds.
  7. Reading Wars--The dispute over the best way to teach reading that is being carried out by advocates of the phonics and whole language approaches to teaching reading.
  8. Whole Language--The approach to teaching reading that focuses on getting meaning through text and teaching reading, writing, and other subjects together.

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